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Lechery Incarnate Page 4

  He could barely get out the words, his windpipe closed off for air, but Mestopheus could not chance letting him up as he tried to challenge him, groaning and grunting and snarling breathlessly. But he could not struggle forever and he had to give in, whimpering and groaning, eyes losing their light in the realm of the waking.

  And yet Mestopheus would not completely allow him to lose consciousness, lifting his forepaw enough for the red to snatch a breath, their bodies pressed closer together than ever as he used his bulk and mass of scales to ensure he was pinned against all odds and causes.

  "Face it, you are defeated. Are you not even going to give me your name, youngling?" Mestopheus teased, tail pressed up against the crimson drake's cloaca, too easily demonstrating his power. "This is it for you and I am due the name of my fallen...ah...foe."

  Some foe he was. The red drake hissed and snapped but Mestopheus easily lifted his muzzle out of the way, not even needing to rush.

  "I will not admit it!" Pride flooded him, daring him to scare the silver-black drake back and away. "I will not concede! Do as you wish -- I am the prize! And this is not a prize you will live to take!"

  Ah, his pride led him wrong right to the end and Mestopheus laughed, rumbling and chortling as the red drake snarled, accidentally writhing his body up against Mestopheus's. And it was that grinding that gave him an idea -- a wicked idea indeed, something that would show the crimson beast his true place in the world and an apt punishment indeed for striving to take over the territory of another dragon.

  "I think I know what my prize shall be... And I shall live while you will too, you pompous scrap of a dragon!"

  Mestopheus inhaled deeply, taking in the red dragon's scent over and over again, although he barely paid attention to his struggles, they were of so little consequence to him. The male blinked dully, confused as to just what Mestopheus was doing, but that did not stop the larger, more powerful dragon from grinding down against him, the hiss that whispered from his lips of a more sinuously dangerous kind than before. No, this was the kind of hiss that he might give in mating lust, crooning and humping against his partner, lips together, rumbling lightly along the line of them, just covering his teeth.

  Yes... Yes, he will do nicely. Very nicely.

  "You're a virgin and you said you are a prize, yet you do not get to seal away any prize from me. This is what I choose to take from you, for the fiery heat in your belly and the vigour you have shown me here today!"

  And it was then that the red dragon finally understood just what it was that Mestopheus was insinuating, his struggles resuming, tail thrashing -- but there was no way that he was going to at all be able to throw off the drake who had decided that he was ripe to be taken. And he could not deny that the slit that concealed his cock was thicker around the edges, plumping up in the prelude to releasing his hot length. It was quite normal, of course, for males to become slightly aroused during a fight, hormones and adrenaline raging, but their bodies were designed too to take a prize from a battle. Whether that was a meal or satisfying a hunger of a different kind was by the by when it came to the driving throb of hormones that commanded them but no one could best the power of Mestopheus when he had set his sights on something that he wanted.

  The red dragon was just going to have to deal with it.

  "No! I am not...unff..."

  He'd been trying to say that he wasn't one to go on the bottom but there was nothing he could do, helpless and weak, overpowered by one who knew that he was due everything that came before him. There was so much that he had to take and so much that the red dragon had to give that he couldn't wait to take it, snarling and letting him feel the cool of his breath washing over his victim. There was such a difference between them and the top and the bottom only highlighted it further, boughs swinging above them and scattering pine needles to the softening carpet of the forest floor as the winds picked up in time with Mestopheus's lust.

  "It'll be too easy to take you..."

  Maybe some would have said that he was over confident but that was for Mestopheus to know and the rest of the world to bear witness to solely through the tale that would be told, rumours spread of a conquest had. He pressed down, teasing his cloaca roughly up against the slit of the other male but the red dragon was only a male while Mestopheus contained both sexes within his cloaca. That did not make him any less of a dragon but more of one, cock slipping out, hard and full, the thick, heavy glands leading the way. The drake beneath him twisted vigorously but he wasn't the sort to give in without a fight, even though he was, of course, bested and beaten.

  Yet he had more than one trick up his figurative sleeve and he didn't have to resort to something as crude as grinding to arouse his victim, to demonstrate his power over him, the light of an idea sparking up in the back of his mind.


  "You won't be able to resist the power of a silver dragon," Mestopheus breathed, eyes dancing wickedly, power thrumming through him. "Or a black either. Let me...humour you."

  And yet the red dragon was not to be humoured as Mestopheus concentrated, using his weight to keep his victim in place while he reached for his magic and power. He was the best of both silver and black dragons in one glorious hybrid, his magic shaping a sphere of water from a nearby stream, something that came in useful considering where they landed. He rasped out his breath in a roiling hiss as he lifted his hind end just enough to allow his magic to filter through, that ball of water floating and teasing along the edge of the red drake's slit. Such a light touch could be, at first, ignored but the stimulation of it was most certainly not to be denied as.


  The red drake groaned and twisted his head to the side, although he was no longer trying to escape. That was the problem with youngsters in that they thought that they had it all figured out and that they knew everything, so easily distracted by even the smallest of things.

  Oh -- and their sex drives too. They were volatile and erratic and so easily manipulated.

  That bead of water flowed and fell out of a sphere, becoming viscous as Mestopheus toyed with it, letting it meld down luxuriously over the tip of his shaft, just about emerging from his slit. The red drake gasped and Mestopheus chuckled, relishing in both his power and control. The water whirled and spun around the overly sensitive tip of his cock, drawing it out harder and faster, stroking along the length, teasing and deliciously stroking him to complete hardness as if his body was just there to be used and abused. It would have been difficult in the moment to say that the submissive drake was not into what was happening to him with how his cock throbbed up thick and full, layered lightly with ridges that Mestopheus could not help but think would feel delicious popping in and out of him. But that was not the point and place of a top, a victor taking his prize in the best way possible.

  "Mmm... Surrender to me yet?"

  But the red dragon was already good and gone, panting and squirming more delightfully as his cock hardened, craving something that only another, more powerful drake could supply to him. Mestopheus pushed down, grinding his shaft up against the other male's anxiously throbbing length, something tingling in his loins, but it was not an orgasm. No, it was too soon for that and he exhaled in a rush of satisfied breath as he released a stream of hot urine onto the crimson drake's scales, marking him and his slit as his and his alone.


  The dragon moaned, rolling his head back, eyes narrowed in the bliss of release. However crude it was, there was nothing quite like having a good piss and there was no better place to relieve himself than over the slit of a weaker, lesser male. His cock did not evade the stream either, hot urine flooding around it, the ridges glistening wetly with the reek of him. Although the red dragon whimpered and twisted, his struggles were too weak to be believed and his cock throbbed up all the harder for being treated as he was, panting and heaving for breath, his flanks trembling beneath scales that did not possess the draconic ability to sweat.

  All of his musk, the
refore, was contained in his slit and his cock, the scent of him rising in his marking. He would not be marking any new territory of his own that day, however, as Mestopheus well and truly claimed him as his, stinking of a stronger dragon when he'd been the one who wanted to send the older dragon flying off with his tail tucked between his legs, a whimpering pup usurped by one who deserved his position more.

  So close... Mestopheus shuddered for breath as he finished releasing his urine, the hot splatter impossible to ignore as he panted, eyes wide and strained with raw desire. He growled and leaned down, licking sensually down the red dragon's neck, teasing over his scales, letting him know that, in no uncertain terms, he wouldn't have things any other way. His cock was hard and ready, pulsating with pre-cum beading at the very tip, demonstrating his prowess, and the anal passage of the drake in subservience was right there, ripe and ready to be taken. He knew it too, head spinning as he was pinned, his hind legs even spreading as if he was welcoming Mestopheus in, pride dissipating as the scent of the silver-black drake flooded the air.

  He couldn't be missed, a looming, demanding presence towering over him, the forest swaying, raging, storm rising and rising on the precipice of thunder. And yet that storm was only set to snarl and rumble while Mestopheus was a storm to be unleashed, let loose to rain down his lustful fury on a lesser male who was, very much, due the treatment that he had indeed wanted to dish out.

  It was time, his cock throbbing, sliding up against the other, lustfully wanton.

  "Submit to me..."

  And then Mestopheus changed tact, choosing another manner of demeaning to claim the red dragon. Traditionally, the one being bred would be on the bottom but, truly, his feminine sex contained within cloaca ached for something, clenching and squeezing down on an imagined cock when he didn't have to imagine it. There was one right there before him and he angled his hindquarters just so, lifting his tail, as he sank down, taking the full length of that red's cock into his cloaca and cunt in one fell swoop.

  The crimson dragon was moaning and twisting before he'd even realised what was happening -- not being penetrated but being the one to penetrate, even if he was still on the bottom. It did not mean that he was in charge but he was forced and controlled, grunting and snapping and snarling, lust rising in a fiery blast. Yet he could not breathe fires till, not even accidentally, Mestopheus's paw still heavy on his throat, ensuring that no unfortunate accidents came to be, roaring up with due course and ferocity.

  "Unnff... This will be the best passage you'll ever feel," Mestopheus taunted him, relishing in truly taking the red's virginity, the gravity of it not passing him by. "Nothing...more will compare to this -- to me."

  Maybe that was true and maybe it was not something that the red dragon heard in the moment, panting and grunting, eyes wide and strained, staring. It would have been creepy if Mestopheus had not been so concerned with rocking and grinding on that cock, using every last trick in the figurative book to enjoy his body, to coax him to an orgasm that was coming whether the red dragon was looking for it or not.

  No... His body was no longer his to command or control in the heat of the liaison, the larger dragon slamming down on him, mimicking breeding thrusts, what would come up to the finale of one's muscles simply massaging and rippling, drawing the cum from the male party of the equation. But the red dragon was truly an innocent in the ways of sex and lust and anything Mestopheus did felt amazing, like the best thing in the world, stars pulsing through his mind, leaping and dancing, flirting with one another in overwhelming, sweetening sensation.

  He clenched his jaw, twisting his head back and forth, although the rest of his body was forced limp, Mestopheus's hind paws pinning his hind legs in place, claws digging in, biting through to sweet, hot, blood. Of course, a little blood was not going to faze him at all and he had enough marks on him from their battle too for those to go unnoticed, head spinning from the myriad of fresh and new sensations all fighting for precedence in his mind.

  It was not that he had intended to remain a virgin, only that he was more of a lone dragon, seeking out fresh territories and striving to place himself in the world, establishing himself before taking a mate. There would be plenty out there for him, he was sure, but it was Mestopheus in the end who introduced him to a world of sexual pleasure, his plunging cunny swallowing him up with every faux-thrust, showing him just what it was to drive into a female when he wasn't even the one in control of the motion!

  Yet maybe that too was what he needed as Mestopheus slowed down the pace, chuckling throatily as he enjoyed the reactions of his victim, although the red drake whose name he still did not know was hardly anything much more of a victim anymore. No, he was a willing participant, lust rising and loins tightening, part of him craving that ultimate release, the seedy musk and scent of Mestopheus thick in his nostrils. And yet he still sucked in greedy breath after breath, feeding that tightening, desperate for more, drooling and whimpering like a slut with far more experience than he had for what could be his very first orgasm ever. Did wet dreams count for a dragon like him?


  It was just a whisper but it was a whisper that Mestopheus had to pay attention to, the pulse of his cunny subtle enough that he could catch the nuances of his charge's voice, leaning in with a wicked smirk on his muzzle.

  "What was that, little dragon?"

  A taunt but not one that the red drake could focus on in the moment, mouth opening and closing without any sound coming out. But he had to try! Oh, he so very much had to try...


  The gist was clear and Mestopheus grinned open-mouthed, jaws hanging open as he snarled out his ecstasy, clenching and rippling his passage around that thick shaft. It was not enough, of course, to push him to his limits or anywhere near but it was a good size, a size that made him want to orgasm himself, both parts aching for that ultimate expenditure that would have him humping and moaning, all the right muscles tensing and releasing over and over again.

  The red drake was helpless to resist as Mestopheus's cunny pulsed around him, a smooth massage coaxing him to the edge and holding him there. A thicker scent, an oily lubrication, seeped around his cock, but the red was too far gone in the world of lust to wonder what it was in his experience, wanting to hump, wanting to grind, every last instinct and nerve in his body screaming at him to thrust and 'breed' the wanton 'dragoness' above him who so clearly wanted a clutch of his eggs.

  It was all bareback but it was Mestopheus who would control whether or not the dragon with dual genders received a clutch full of eggs in his belly. He was still very much the one in control as he ground down, making sure that every last sultry inch of that dragon-meat was buried inside him, letting the red drake know well and truly just who was in charge. Mestopheus smirked, passage pulsing and massaging, drawing his partner closer and closer to the point of no return. As if there had been any doubt!

  And the red drake could not hold back for a moment longer, exploding into orgasm as he roared and twisted, nearly throwing Mestopheus off before the silver-black dragon had a moment in which to slam him back down lustfully with his magic, keeping him in his place and right where he needed him to be. It was not yet time for him to be released and, well, Mestopheus still had big plans for the dragon who had upended the scheme for his entire day, which had involved a lot less bloodshed, to say the least...

  The drake beneath him gulped and snorted, unable to get breath or fire in or out of his lungs respectably as he quivered in climax. Mestopheus made sure he was pinned as he relished in the sensation of hot, thick cum filling his feminine parts, passage milking and squeezing and doing everything that the thrusts of a drake could have done, if he had not been so keen on showing off just how great his control over his own body was. It was just as well that he had both sexual organs contained within his cloaca for it allowed him so much more fun than he may have otherwise have been able to have. And the fact of his body being what it was gave him ideas too -- oh, s
o many ideas...

  Twisting and bucking, the red dragon could not help but completely and utterly fall prey to the wiles of his body, humping and snarling with his eyes rolling back, caught between the need to breathe and the need to thrust, to cum, to breed. It was as base an instinct as any and so overpowering that he almost was not able to enjoy just how his cock throbbed and twitched inside that hot vent, the walls so constantly in motion, wetly massaging, that he could have been forgiven for thinking that he was actually thrusting. He tried -- bless him, he tried -- grunting and groaning, but he could not stop himself from trying to fuck his partner, driving and humping, his tail helplessly slapping the ground as he was taken by a more experienced kind of dragon entirely.

  Still, ropes of creamy seed flowed forth, pummelling straight up into that lustful vent, Mestopheus grinning down at him but not yet taking the pleasure of his own orgasm for him. If he'd been more experienced in himself and sex, the red dragon would have known even then that something more was to come but there was nothing more for it as he moaned, tongue hanging out of his muzzle as pleasure wracked him, sending wave after devastating wave through his body, although his orgasm, ultimately, was short-lived. It was a high that slowed time but one that he had to come down from all too soon, returning to the world of swaying pine trees, a rain of green needles pattering down on him as the wind stripped them from boughs before their time.