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Lechery Incarnate Page 2

  Max threw his head back and laughed out loud. "Oh, babe, you sure about

  that? There are certain, uh, advantages to staying with me." Stepping

  closer again, Max pulled Ryan into another heated kiss, making sure to rub

  against Ryan's crotch.

  Ryan gasped, his cock growing under the ministrations.

  "Besides," Max added conversationally. "I live in a penthouse uptown."

  Ryan gaped at the man whom he'd thought to be a construction worker of some

  sort. "You, you do?" he stammered, tears forgotten for the moment. His

  cock was pulsing pleasurably and still there was that wonderful feeling of

  fullness radiating from where he suspected his womb to be.

  "Yup. I'm an architect, so maintaining you is not going to be a problem."

  Ryan rubbed a hand over his face, still a little overwhelmed by how much

  his life had changed in the last half hour or so. "But you don't even know

  me," he wailed plaintively, torn between wanting to talk his way out of

  this and wanting it to happen just as Max was promising.

  He'd never owned anything that was of value to anybody else and even if

  this was only a temporary arrangement, somehow it still sounded better than

  going back to his indifferent Aunt, especially now that he had gotten

  himself pregnant.

  Even in these last few minutes, Max had shown more passion toward him than

  anyone had ever before, and Ryan felt himself liking the attention the

  older man paid him.

  As if to prove that point, Max gathered him close again. "We'll have a lot

  of time to get to know each other, don't you think? But, why don't you

  start by telling me your name and we'll see where it goes from there?"

  For a long moment, Ryan was indecisive. He knew that there were lawyers

  that had specialized in Breeder law and even though he'd never be able to

  afford one of them, he could always go beg to be taken on as a pro bono

  case. But did he really want to go through all that trouble?

  It was weird, buthise he was, standing in a dark alley with his ass

  leaking cum, having just been fucked and knocked up by a total stranger,

  and still he felt more content than he could ever remember feeling.

  "Ryan," he said finally, having made a decision. "Ryan Johnson."

  Max grinned. "Good to meet you, Ryan."

  "Yeah," Ryan tried to answer the smile, but there was too much going on in

  his head for it to come off sincerely, he was sure. "Likewise, I guess. And

  just so you know, I had no idea that I was going into my cycle. It sort of,

  came on really quickly. I'm sorry it made you fuck me, I'm sure that wasn't

  how you planned to have children."

  Throwing his head back, Max barked out a laugh. "Not quite, but I've been

  thinking about adopting a Breeder baby for a while, so I feel like this is

  a lucky coincidence. And believe me, I would have wanted to fuck you

  anytime we'd have met, pheromones or not."

  Ryan was stunned. "Really?"

  "Shit yeah," Max crooned. "You're a pretty one with those hazel eyes and

  the cock-sucker lips. And your ass... Man, I'd write poems about that tight

  hole, if I weren't crap at it. Hm, maybe I'll design a building and call it

  `Ryan's ass'."

  Ryan felt himself blushing, especially as he felt Max's renewed erection

  pressing into his side.

  "I could take you now," Max said softly, lust replacing the humor. "I would

  love to fill you up again with my cum, just to make sure."

  Ryan chuckled breathlessly. "No need," he murmured. "I'm as preggers as I

  can get. I can feel it, you know. It's settled now."

  "God, that's hot." Grimacing a little, Max adjusted himself as he checked

  both of them over. "Hm, I guess we're as presentable as we're going to

  get. I want you to move in with me as soon as possible, so let's go talk to

  your parents." Still a little bewildered by everything, Ryan nodded and

  let himself be led from the alley. After a few steps, Max wrapped a big

  arm around his waist, his hand slipping into the back-pocket of Ryan's

  pants, cupping his ass-cheek possessively.

  Moaning softly as he felt Max's thumb rubbing the wet fabric into his

  cleft, Ryan walked away from his old life without a backwards glance.

  Chapter 1 : A King of Wolves

  “We will ride out in overwhelming force against the Lords Ursus, Orcinus, and Alces, and the Arctic Clans will once again learn the price of rebellion against the Lupine Crown!”

  The applause was thunderous. King Julian d’Lupus grinned and flushed with undisguised pleasure. This was his first public address since ascending the throne a mere two moons ago, and the people already adored their beautiful boy king beyond measure. Everyone knew that Clan Lupus was meant to make war, not peace, meant to meet all insults with the slash of sharpened steel, not the other cheek—and that was something Julian’s spineless father, the old king, hadn’t understood.

  Over the balding head of his Chief Royal Councillor, Julian’s eyes sought Roberto’s; Roberto nodded subtly, allowing the corners of his mouth to quirk ever so slightly upwards. This was, by the normally stoic Captain of the Royal Guard’s standards, a sign of euphoric, unequivocal approval. Julian interpreted the sign as he was meant; his flush deepened from delicate pink to practically crimson—adorable.

  Was he ready to take the next step? wondered Roberto to himself. Yes, he decided. Yes, he was.

  After finishing his public address, Julian had been become caught up in the intricate logistics of war preparations, and the hour was late before he was free to speak in private with Roberto.

  Roberto entered the royal bedchamber with the confidence of one who thought he belonged there. Which, as far as he was concerned, he did. Since his lamentable failure to prevent the assassination of the old king—a failure for which his life itself would have been forfeit had Julian not intervened on his behalf—Roberto had taken upon himself to stand his watch directly beside Julian’s bed whilst he slept.

  Julian was already tucked into his bed. The silvery curls of his Lupine blood were fanned out on the pillow around his face like a filigreed picture frame.

  “You did well today, Your Majesty,” Roberto said as he seated himself on the edge of Julian’s bed and reached out to stroke those curls softly. “Never in my life have I witnessed a finer, more forceful royal proclamation.”

  Julian basked in the praise like a flower in sunlight. “You know how much I value your opinion, Roberto.”

  “Indeed.” Roberto stroked Julian’s rosy cheek and the graceful curve of his neck. “The dearly departed King and Queen would have been proud of you. I’m proud of you.”

  Julian was practically purring. Roberto’s hand strayed lower, teasing Julian’s shoulder and collarbone, sliding beneath his silk nightshirt to caress the plane of his chest where his heart was beating, faster, faster.

  Inside his breeches, Roberto’s cock was beginning to fill in anticipation. He pulled Julian into an embrace, fitting the boy king’s small, lithe body against his own larger, broader one. “You’re so magnificent, Your Majesty!” he enthused as he slid his hands underneath Julian’s nightshirt to touch his back, his sides, his hips, his stomach, his genitals in their tangled nest of pubic hair—

  “So beautiful…!” Roberto whispered hotly into Julian’s ear as he grasped the boy’s cute little cock and began to stroke up and down the length of it firmly.

  “Ohh…R-Roberto…what are you—!?” Julian wriggled his hips like he wasn’t sure if he wanted to get away or to get closer.

  Roberto silenced Julian w
ith a kiss and pulled harder on his now fully erect cock. It throbbed against his palm; the balls were already so high and tight. It took but an instant to break their kiss and reapply his mouth instead to Julian’s cock, swallowing him to the hilt just as he began to moan and thrash and squirt a small load of semen down Roberto’s welcoming throat.

  Roberto drank every last drop like a man dying of thirst.

  “I-I…ohh…that was…Roberto, that was amazing…” Julian breathed, so blissed out by his orgasm that he was barely able to form words.

  Roberto’s own need had become insistent enough that he decided not to give Julian time to think. Quickly, he flipped Julian over onto his stomach. His buttocks were smooth and bare, and Roberto pried them apart with the tips of his fingers to expose the winking, wrinkled pucker of his anus. This was it! Roberto addressed mouth and tongue with enthusiasm to the task before him.

  He doubted that anyone had ever touched Julian in so private, intimate a place before. He kissed it, he licked it, he drenched it with his saliva, and then—greatly daring—he stuck his tongue inside Julian. He stretched that ring of muscle, and he probed those slick inner walls; before long, he was actually fucking Julian with his tongue.

  And of course Julian loved it; his young body was ridiculously, sinfully easy to arouse. “M-More…!” he pleaded.

  Just hearing that plea nearly made Roberto soil his breeches right then and there. How many moons and winters had he been waiting for this moment? Preparing for it? Preparing Julian for it? Clearing all obstacles from his path? And now, the moment had arrived at last. He was going to make King Julian d’Lupus scream for him.

  Roberto unlaced his breeches, and his cock, hot and reeking and wet with precome, sprang free. Julian turned his head to try to see behind him, and his eyes widened with wonder and fear. Roberto was a big man—none bigger in the Kingdom, it was said—and he could tear little Julian in two if he wished.

  He did not wish. Why ruin the first time what you can have again and again and again? But neither would he be gentle, for there was nothing Roberto loved more than the painful scrape of a virgin asshole, than the sweet music of a virgin’s helpless screams.

  He fell onto Julian with his full weight and entered him with a single endless, remorseless thrust. Then he was fucking, rutting like a mindless beast, and the tightness and the screams were as gratifying as Roberto had hoped.

  His first orgasm arrived quickly. He kept on fucking straight through it, enjoying the temporary increase in sensitivity, so like burning, like fire on his cock, the slick discharge of semen allowing him to fuck even harder and faster. The next orgasm took longer, and that time he paused his thrusts to grind and gyrate his hips into Julian, seeding him deeply, whilst Julian shrieked and flailed helplessly beneath him.

  Julian’s once-virginal hole was loose and sloppy after that, leaking trails of frothy white semen onto his perineum and his scrotum. Roberto delighted in the obscene squelching sounds it made as he continued to plunge, in and out, in and out, in and out, relentless, riding Julian’s prostate gland until Julian was shuddering and bucking beneath him and coming a second time, untouched, into the mattress.

  Those rhythmic contractions on Roberto’s cock nearly tossed him over the edge, but he held on gamely, growling, his nails digging bloody crescents into Julian’s fragile flesh. He waited for Julian’s quaking to subside before flipping Julian over onto his back, not even bothering to pull out in order to do it, and bent the boy in half as he resumed his furious pounding at a new angle.

  “You feel so good, so perfect,” Roberto panted. “My beautiful Julian. My King of Wolves.”

  Julian’s cute little cock was still rock hard, and it bounced and waved with each of Roberto’s furious thrusts. Tears caked Julian’s long lashes; his eyes were squeezed shut; and his face was contorted, white teeth bared, like the pleasure was so intense it was killing him.

  His father, the old king, had been wearing the same expression when he died.

  Roberto’s third orgasm hit him like a punch to the gut, and he howled like a wolf as he began to pump his seed into Julian yet again.

  Chapter – 2 : Next Stop

  With his eyes closed, Felix leaned his head against the window of the bus. The low rumble of the street he could feel through the vibrations was soothing. The bus was empty as he was driving home from school, all the other students having gotten out at earlier stations.

  The sudden loud voices of men tearing through the music on his earphones made him look up. The bus had reached the Emmer Mines bus stop. Felix sighed. Today, he had had to stay later than usual to clean up theatre props and had to take a later bus.

  Felix never liked doing that. The men from the mines were loud and rough and kind of scary. He always felt a little uncomfortable when he had to ride home with them. They usually left him alone, but sometimes they made weird comments. They had never engaged with him directly though, and Felix was glad for it.

  He twitched when he felt the seat next to him dip as a large man let himself drop down into it. Felix had seen him before, the tall man with the blonde hair. He had been joking and laughing loudly with his friends. He gave Felix the creeps.

  Felix nearly yelped when one of the cords of his earphones was pulled out. The man stared at him, a grin on his face. Not knowing where to look, Felix stared down on his knees.

  “Aren’t you a pretty one? What’s your name?”

  “Uhm, Felix, sir,” Felix stammered, inching away from the arm around his shoulder. It only squeezed tighter. Felix found himself pulled towards the muscular chest of the man sitting next to him. His heart was beating faster in his chest and fear rose up in him. What did he want?

  “You hear that? I’m a sir! Better show some respect to me from now on!” Laughter bellowed through the bus. It sounded ugly and dangerous and Felix’ eyes darted over to the closed doors of the bus.

  “You’re a cunt is what you are,” one of the men shouted to more laughter.

  Rochester Lane , the mechanical feminine voice announced over the speakers and Felix breathed out a sigh of relief.

  “I’m sorry, I have to go,” Felix pressed out quietly and tried to get up. He squealed when he felt someone grab his ass cheek and squeeze it so roughly he was sure it was gonna leave a bruise. Although he didn’t dare to look back to see who had done it, he could feel the stares in his back. The door was only a few steps away, he could make it…

  It didn’t open.

  “Uhm, Mr. Driver, sir? This is my stop,” Felix said a little louder. This was as loud as he dared to go, having never liked to raise his voice.

  “What was that, boy?” The rough voice of the bus driver, a large man with broad hands that looked like they were better suited for harder work than steering wheels, startled Felix.

  “Speak up!”

  Felix closed his eyes, panic rising up in him. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him.

  “This is my stop! Please open the door!”

  “Ah, he has a voice.” The driver leaned back in his seat and reached into his pocket.

  “Too bad it’s my break time.” A cigarette was procured from the pocket and the driver proceeded to light up and take a long drag. Felix coughed as the smoke hit his nostrils.

  “It’s gonna have to wait, boy.”

  “But I have to go...”

  “Don’t you wanna keep us company for a little while longer? We can show you some things.”

  Felix whimpered as he felt a strong hand grab his wrist and pull him backwards. He landed on the lap of one of the passengers. He smelled like ash and sweat and the manly musk Felix noticed after P.E. Felix wasn’t very good at sports and he usually had to sit out after exerting himself too much. All the other boys were taller than him and even most of the girls, even long after he should have hit his growth spurts.

  But now, he wished he had trained with the other boys, took Ray from the football team up on his offer to teach him how to lift. Maybe he could have fought better th
en. Felix felt tears sting at the corner of his eyes as he felt the man’s hard cock press against his buttocks through their pants.

  “Crying already? Nobody’s done anything to you yet.”

  Feebly, he struggled to get off the lap, but a strong arm held him down. Pressed him closer. His breath came in shallow gasps as he saw another hand reach out and rip straight though his shirt.

  “S-Stop,” he whimpered. It was no use. Rough hands glid over his partially exposed chest, the thumbs dragging over his hardening nipples.

  “Shit, he’s soft,” the man standing in front of him muttered and rubbed Felix’ nipples until they were hard and aching. Felix was sobbing softly now, and cried out when he felt someone grope his cock through his pants.

  “Get those off!”

  Felix tried to bat away prying hands, but his strength was no match for the hands of men who toiled in the mines all day.

  “Don’t rip them, please,” Felix begged. How was he gonna get home naked? If they would let him go after… after what? Felix didn’t dare to think what would happen to him, even though, in the back of his mind, he of course knew.

  “Then take them off yourself,” one of the men said and Felix was pushed off the lap. Now he stood in the middle of the aisle and felt almost sick from fear. They were all looking at him. Feral hunger was in their dark eyes. Felix swallowed as he saw some of them already taking their cocks out, hard and leaking. With shaking hands, Felix removed what was left of his shirt. He held it towards his chest, but it was promptly ripped from him.

  “No hiding, pretty boy.”

  Tears dripped down his pale cheeks as Felix opened the fly of his trousers and pushed them down slowly. Hiccups shook his body as he pulled his underwear down to to ghastly whistles. His half-hard cock sprang out.

  “Look at that, he’s enjoying it!”